Friday, January 15, 2010

Sleep trouble...

So Conner has been having some sleep issues. I think its a result of our 2 trips to Idaho in just a few days, and a growth spurt just before that. He's been basically refusing to settle down. I take him up to his room, turn out the lights, walk a little to calm him, swaddle him, turn on the white noise machine, and try to put him down. This use to work within 5 minutes. Now he squirms in my arms while I walk, fights and squirms out of his swaddling (which I've given up on completely now), then starts screaming when I put him in bed. I pick him up and put him back down a few times, and he's all keyed up like there is no way he's going to close his eyes any time soon--and he doesn't.

I end up giving up, and trying again about a half our later, only to get the same results. He falls asleep in random places (like his high chair yesterday), and doesn't sleep longer at night to make up for it. The last week has been pretty tense around here.

But today is a new day! For some unknown reason, today I went up with him, turned on the white noise, gave him a hug, laid him in bed (happy), and left the room to listen. After about 15 minutes he hadn't cried, so I went in to check, and sure enough he was sound asleep! Why do children do these things to their mothers? I was about to go insane because I had no idea how to fix what was wrong, and then just like that its gone (and apparently he didn't need me to fix it). [sigh] I guess I just need some more sleep and a chill pill.

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