Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Potty Progress

Potty training has begun, and though we were easing into it over the weekend, today is our first day of all out effort. We had a little success over the weekend though which is very encouraging. On Saturday we got started, and we had accidents all day--although he can hold it for 4 to 5 hours so not too many accidents. That evening Chris and I went out on a date and left the boys home with Gpa Charlie and Gma Sally. After a couple of attempts Dallon finally went in the potty for Gma before bed. He had never gone in a toilet at home before. He had gone a few times at school, because he was watching the other kids go. Sunday we took most of the day off because of church. Then yesterday we went for it again--accidents all day and Dallon was not happy about going to the bathroom. Then last night I took him in knowing he had been holding it for a long time, and sat him down. Then I gave him my computerized Yahtzee game to play with. He was fascinated by the sounds, and within a couple of minutes he went! I was absolutely extatic! That's the first time I have ever witnessed him going in the toilet! I went out and bought a few $1 games that he can play on the potty to help him relax and pass the time. Hopefully that will help us reach our goal.

This morning Dallon had been holding it. We tried a couple of times with no success. Then I heard him going in the other room. Before I could do anything he ran to get a towel, tracking his wet mess all along the way. I think he is starting to get the idea a little bit. And he wants to wear underwear instead of a diaper or pull-up. We'll keep you posted, and hopefully we'll survive the next few messy weeks!

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