Monday, September 28, 2009

The Big Move

So we finally moved! 2 weeks into the school year, and after 2 months of Chris being home on the weekends, we are finally all in one place again! The big moving truck was a big hit with the boys, and the movers were great for me--I'm so glad I didn't have to pack.

Boxes boxes and more boxes--we'll have plenty for the next move :)

Dallon and Jace don't normally pose, I was shocked to see them actually posing and smiling in the SAME picture!

The new place, YAY! It was rainy, but also nice and cool.

I took these pictures on one of our first mornings in our new place. This is the view from the front window. The sunrises are amazing here. And if you look closely you can see a couple of deer in the field.
Dallon cuddling Conner in our new place. He loves that baby brother!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Wow, what a beautiful sight to see in the mornings!